
Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 8 Vocabulary: collage, sepia toning, selenium toning, duotone

collage: a combination or collection of various things

sepia toning: specialized treatment to give a black and white photographic print a warmer tone

selenium toning: archival toning process which converts metallic silver to silver selenide. In a diluted toning, selenium toning gives a red-brown tone, while a strong solution gives a purple-brown tone.

duotone: halftone reproduction of n image using the superimposition of the contrasting color halftone. The most common colors used are blue, yellow, browns, and reds.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 6 Vocabulary: fill flash, documentary photography, magnesium flare

fill flash: a technique used to brighten deep shadow areas

documentary photography: a type of photography used to chronicle both significant and historical events and everyday life

magnesium flare: a brilliant white flash of light or flare containing metallic magnesium wire or ribbon

Week 7 Vocabulary: flash lamp, arc lamp, Yablochov candle, triptych

flash lamp: a lamp used for producing a brief but intense flash of light by using an electric current to start burning flash powder

arc lamp: a lamp that produces light by an electric arc

Yablochov Candle: also known as the electric candle, the Yablochov candle is a type of electric carbon arc lamp (invented by Peter Yablochov)

triptych: a display of three pictures on three different panels hinged together side by side, and used as an alterpiece

Thursday, January 8, 2015

my top photo challenge categories

1. street photography
2. night photography/star trail photography 
3. long-exposure photography
4. food photography
5. nature